Man, I really am a natural at this whole "taking a nap the moment discussion that I would need to be part of starts" deal. Anyways, sup bitches, Cunt's back!
Let's see now:
>Regarding the /stars/ and bakatare swapIt was initially proposed by twapianon PURELY on the relation of the threads in question with their neighbours. The whole idea that the swap was proposed because it wouldn't make sense for /mans/ to be on that spot without /stars/ is silly, I mean just look at spots 1-3, and it was in fact after the swap proposal was made that spot 4 was ever discussed, as it would make the most sense for /mans/ to be carved out of /stars/.
To reiterate: /stars/ and bakatare swap WAS NOT proposed because of spot 4 for /mans/, spot 4 RESULTED FROM the swap.
>Regarding the placement of /mans/While we did do worldbuilding with the assumption to be placed on the island (mainly just me following after vespieBro with all the maps he made) I still am of the opinion that that alone should NOT influence the anon's vote on this matter. NOTHING we have done so far is not something that can't be altered or thrown away, and it would also set a bad example for you to take our own wishes into account first and foremost, when /mhm/ rep is getting the exact opposite treatment as seen in
>>30797327 (I know it's just one anon, but still)
>Regarding the vote proposalThis one is completely on me. I have made the original vote proposal just listing issues that I felt needed to be voted on off the top of my head in the order I thought about them. This has perhaps led some people to think that issue 2 (the swap) is related, or even dependant on the result of issue 1 (/mans/ placement), when in reality, they were meant as two completely separate issues. I would suggest that on the new vote, while the both issues can still be voted on at the same time In my opinion, the issue of /mans/ be placed under the swap issue, example below.
>1. Should /stars/ and bakatare be swapped to be nearer related threads?>2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in [pic]?>3. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from [pic].This would put more emphasis on the swap, as it would be the first issue presented to the voters, and would make the their vote on /mans/ placement influenced by it, instead of the other way around. Maybe I'm not making any sense on this one, so if you want to discuss this further to clear it up, I'm always open.
Aight, that's about all I have to comment on the matter, now back to spoiling my wife(male)