>>10446597Wall of text incoming, the tldr is that CyberLive picks up momentum regardless of whether or not their competitors' 3D turns out good.
I'm prepared to say that many other Western corpos and a couple JP ones will go full retard and wrap half-eaten rhombuses with the skin of an anime streamer. Or, they could hold off even longer and wait until they think their shit is superior.
It wouldn't be tribalist rhetoric at that point to say that in either case, CyberLive comes out with their noses cleaner than if it simply did 3D inagurations in a vacuum--if the others rush, the quality of CL's early stuff stands out more. If they wait, the other agencies now have to deal with CL's rapidly snowball growth driven by 3D, new 2D costumes, model updates, Gen 2, even more covers and singles, and drawing new fans from sources the other agencies don't have access to.
CyberLive is, I gather, quite aware of what they have in the people here; the goal should be to shove down *everyone's* throats that they can pick and choose the avenues of expansion they pursue, and that they can do it more efficiently and painlessly than everyone else.
We have just witnessed an obscure, new startup pounce and seize the initiative by the jugular. By doing 3D first, they have laid the groundwork for seizing market share via content creation previously available only to Ichikara and COVER. By (should you believe the anon who claims to have submitted an audition the company is combing through several times) carefully screening and auditioning applicants, CL demonstrates that they are not rushing out a 2nd gen just to do it, and that they are paying attention to inter-generational cohesion. It is clear that by excising bad elements of their individual and shared communities while making themselves accessible, CL has managed to gather a "mailed fist" of core, long-term fans who will be at the forefront of any drive to gain attention, publicity, and financial growth. I see no scenario in which CL fecklessly loses their finger on ENVT market forces barring the unlikely and groundless prospect of a massive scandal.