>>93063057Every 5th meow out of peepeeheads mouth during that collab was a facebook pet motivation poster tier platitude or a slogan on some royal canin mug. He constantly interrupted everyone, never shut the fuck up about his own opinions. Constantly tried to put the spotlight on his own unremarkable life, said blatantly untrue things with a tone of confidence that is only acceptable from if you've earned it, and seemed only capable of the most surface level observations possible. His general demeanor is also unbelievably fake when in the presence of other pets, he refuses to make himself the butt of any joke which leads to an inordinate amount of what he says being outright mean spirited. He dragged the whole collab down by having no knowledge of internet culture and being unwilling to learn about it and roll with the punches. Otis also clearly has no knowledge of anything below surface level culture but he was fully willing to go along with everything, which was the highlight of the whole stream. Peepeheads stubbornness and inability to see his own faults made every joke fall flat, he brickwalled half of all the tangents in the collab which are normally the best parts of anything involving tui. He gave off the tone of someone who's infiltrating an actual friend group and everyone just puts up with him cause they're too kind to tell him to fuck off.