Luna is seriously having the most amazing time of her life right now, running around the new world she's in with Boombox blasting music into her ear as she ziplines, climbs and flees away from this game even called Raft anymore at this point? Luna hasn't been on an actual raft for over 20 minutes now. LAVA IS HOT BUT MIOSHA AND SUBARU CANNOT SEEM TO AVOID FALLING INTO IT. It's incredibly hilarious how much fun these group of ladies are having right now as they barely get past the harder stages of the Bowser's Castle levels that's filled with all kind of danger. Even though they've seen the game over screen more times than they'd probably like to admit, they're still completing the stages and will soon face off against Bowser in a final battle of wits and strength and put this endurance to rest. is STILL on a boat right at this very minute, fishing away like her life depends on it in ARK, probably because it does, as the creatures of the water are especially aggressive and hungry for tasty cute elf flesh. It's a very lovely stream if you just want to listen to Flare make cute noises while pressing the prompts on screen. lands to conquer, stronger enemies to face, The hero Watame has now traversed underground to face off against even more terrible creatures of this Wicked King's land and she's doing her best to survive the encounters with minimal damage obtained. If you're worried about Watame's cuteness diminishing then shut the hell up, this sheep will never lose her cuteness in this lifetime or ever, she's still as precious as all hell. at Kiara just straight up jamming out in her supachat reading stream in where supachats are not being read. How can a phoenix even be this precious and cute? Maybe you'll figure out the answer to that question if you tune into her stream right now.