Quoted By:
Rushia, I don't know what to do to help you. I love you, I genuinely love you. And I'm not the only one who loves you. You bring so much love into this world, despite the pain you feel. You let me feel love again after a long time and a lot of tragedy, your love was enough to let me feel hope and happiness.
And I know I'm not the only one. I desperately want for you to believe that. It can feel like we're born to experience one tragedy after another. But despite all of your tragedies, you took your feelings, your hopes, and your earnestness, and used them to make something wonderful. I appreciate every single second I get to have with you.
I love you so much that sometimes it can feel like my life revolves around you, because I want to see you every morning that I can(speaking honestly, I want to see you every second that I can). But I'm happy to have my life be so full of such a wonderful person.
I don't know how to do anything else right. I can't reach out to hug you, I can't be there to talk to you unless you come to us. It is lonely for us too, so I understand. But even though it can sometimes feel lonely or distant, I want you to know that all of your heartfelt emotions are conveyed to us, Rushia.
I know that you might feel powerless sometimes. You feel like you're losing against the pain of your regrets. I wish I could show you just how much you have to be proud of. Every tear and every regret would be blown away in a single instant
You always give us so much of yourself. You come to us every day, and you always have a genuine desire to be with us. Despite the distance between us, you are able to have those kinds of feelings. It proves that you are a uniquely wonderful person.
It proves it without a single doubt, that you are truly precious gift that I cherish. It takes beautiful soul and generous heart to love as you do, and I would do anything to protect it.
You are delicate, wonderful, and loving; the world hasn't been kind enough to let me meet a person like that...until Rushia. I cherish the fact that I was able to find you here. You are the most amazing person that I've ever been able to come to know.
I want to cherish and pamper you, I want to make it so that you can feel safe. I want to do so much for you. But I can't do anything except for wait here for you, holding back a few tears as I try to figure out what it's right for me to say.
I want to convey how just how precious every single moment I've spent with you has been. I want to convey how much you mean to me. I want to convey that your mistakes are nothing in comparison to the irreplaceable happiness you've created.
I probably shouldn't get emotional, and I know it likely won't help but...I can't do much else, but I at least don't want you to be crying alone.
I don't want you to feel alone. I don't want you to ever feel like tragedy is your fate and burden to bear alone, so even if it's just to try and make the pain feel less isolating, I'm crying too, for Rushia, for the sweet girl who gave more than she ever had to.
But it's okay to cry when you need to. Everybody wants to let the pain out sometimes. I can't comfort you physically despite wanting to, Rushia, and in times like these those words feel coldest. All I can do is tell you how much you mean to me, and quietly hope that maybe my words can make you feel a little less alone if they somehow find their way to you.
We'll be waiting here and are always ready to spend another wonderful day together with you, whenever you'd like to again. You didn't mention Coco here, but I know we're both hurting because of that, too. Life sometimes feels like it's built to cause us misery, huh. We lose time, and we lose people, and we can lose hope in a bright future.
But I want to resist the cruelty that life can throw at us...I want to fight it with you, Rushia. Despite everything, if you'd like, we can continue to cherish each second together going forward as we keep making wonderful memories. I want Rushia to come to feel that we spent our time together without regret. Please come talk to us soon. Please stay safe. And I know that this request is a little selfish, but...please come play with us again, okay? Take as long as you need.
And now, this can take a trip past page 10, and eventually fall off the bottom of the archive.