>>93027797I'm so tiwed of being hewe
suppwessed by aww my chiwdish feaws
awnd if uwu have tuwu weave
i wish thawt uwu wouwd juwst weave
'cause youw pwesence stiww wingews hewe
awnd iwt won't weave me awone
these wounds won't seem tuwu heaw
thiws pain iws juwst too weaw
thewe's juwst too much thawt time cannot ewase
whewn uwu cwied i'd wipe away aww of youw teaws
whewn uwu'd scweam i'd fight away aww of youw feaws
awnd i hewd youw hawnd thwough aww of these yeaws
but uwu stiww have aww of me
uwu used tuwu captivate me by youw wesonating wight
now i'm bound by the wife uwu weft behind
youw face, iwt haunts my once pweasant dweams
youw voice, iwt chased away aww the sanity in me
these wounds won't seem tuwu heaw
thiws pain iws juwst too weaw
thewe's juwst too much thawt time cannot ewase
whewn uwu cwied i'd wipe away aww of youw teaws
whewn uwu'd scweam i'd fight away aww of youw feaws
awnd i hewd youw hawnd thwough aww of these yeaws
but uwu stiww have aww of me
i've twied so hawd tuwu teww mysewf thawt uwu'we gone
but though uwu'we stiww with me
i've bewn awone aww awong
whewn uwu cwied i'd wipe away aww of youw teaws
whewn uwu'd scweam i'd fight away aww of youw feaws
awnd i hewd youw hawnd thwough aww of these yeaws
but uwu stiww have aww of me