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Be aware of the signs of Snift infestations during this holiday season. Much like any branch of the root Snuffy species, they are highly skilled at mimicry. Snifts in particular like to pose as both presents and an assortment of festive decorations while occupying the home to protect themselves against the elements. Signs of their presence occur between midnight through to dawn. The occupant may hear random fits of giggling, burps, "wet, sloshing sounds", and notice a lingering scent of marijuana.
While relatively harmless; it is advised to leave offerings of frozen uncrustables each night to thaw out on the kitchen counter, along with alcohol until mid January to avoid raids on personal supplies. The occupant is also strongly advised to keep watch on the NA server maintenance periods for the popular MMO Final Fantasy XIV. Snifts become particularly irritable during these times and offering amounts should be increased significantly to placate them.
On a side note; personal sleeping quarters should be well secured (mainly for male occupants) during the active phase of the Snift. Those who have not taken proper measures may experience near debilitating levels of fatigue, genital chaffing and an unconscious quirk to alter the start of nearly every word with "sn". This last sneffect acts as a kind of memetic virus to those who regularly interact with a sninfected snindividual.