Twitter Q&A edition
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>>59504038 >Youtube>Twitter>Schedule>Debut>Unarchived Karaoke 2023-08-27 download links>Twitter Space 09-14-23>HoloSummer Shorts>Cover - KAIBUTSU>Original Song - Lifetime Showtime>Advent Gen Song - Rebellion>Voice Packs sings Lifetime Showtime! Fuwamoco want to hear your voices!
Upload your submission (acapella) to and post the link in the comments in this puzzle.
Submit your short pre-song + post-song messages as well! will be mixed and then put in Fuwamocos twitter tag so they can view the fruits of our efforts. - Singalong guide video w/ vocals - Singalong guide video w/o vocals
- Lyrics are intentionally one beat ahead so you can react
- In the videos, there is main and alternative vocal tracks, which have a small lyric change and harmony+overlapping parts separated in case you want to be fancy, but you can mix and match it however you want. The most important part is to have fun participating! The song seems kinda hard as an ESL.