>>94913611>How much does a single adview is worth in each platformThis would be cool to see but I don't have the mental strength search for the info rn Tbh. Also I don't think it matters that much since we are talking about streams, yt sends way less ads compared to twitch (again it depends on the region just like yt and so it goes, but we are talking about hypothetical scenarios so we might think about the us which is one of the highest paying if not the region that pays the MOST™)
>Are you talking about each stream having similar numbers of ads on streamnot really since that's not how the platforms work, on yt I know theoretically speaking there coul be midrolls but I NEVER got (I've been watching plenty of streams lately, mainly vtubers, from big to small corpo or not without AdBlock nor premium obv). While on twitch we have >twitchNumbers and very invasive midrolls that cannot be removed, even by the creator. So I don't think making the number of ads pair would be correct
>Does you hypothetical remove the potential of a streamer actually trying to make the most money possible?I was talking about a very hypothetical scenario so imagine the most common possible chuubas doing average things while maintaining identical ccv on both platforms. Not too shilling but not too detached from the money part (we are talking purely of platform based earnings)
>>94913651sorry for being retarded, I know the difference is huge depending on the region on YouTube too. But on twitch, since it's so small compared to its "competitor" the difference between an adv rich place and an low/average is way bigger. Also considering yt pays more l for ads in general we can assume they have a higher floor
t. A sleep deprived eurochumbie, sorry for retardation and errors but I don't have the strength to re-read it gomenne. I don't know if I can keep up