>>91235755Summer 2023 was probably the high point of their relationship after she came back unannounced into her life.
Fall 2023 she started relapsing and bringing people in while she was streaming and Lisa started complaining more frequently on stream about her.
Winter 2023 every time her mom got home while she was streaming she was visibly sadder and quieter and it killed her mood.
>be such a dogshit parent CPS has to get involved>ghost her for years>come back to mooch off her and live in her house>make sure the new apartment contract for the larger apartment YOU ask her to find has you as the primary and legal tenant and her as the occupant>be a massive pain in the ass for months>spy on her vods to see if she says anything bad about you>get violent to the point where she has to escape her home>keep her stuff and her cat until her father and brother strongarm you into letting her in>keep the apartment and the cat just becauseEvil bitch doesnt cut it. What a dogshit life she's had.