It was Inui's birthday yesterday (09/09) which means mandatory shilling time!
The gachikoi trinity - Inui Toko edition
>初恋 (Hatsukoi) words to describe Inui's vocals in this song. Beautiful, emotional, and tender. It's like she's talking about our (imaginary) relationship. Inui's vocals aside, the song itself is great. The sounds produced by piano and violin mix into a harmonious mellow melody that wraps around you gently, when the Shinto bells (?) and snare drum part come up, they complement the harmonious melody. Who would have thought this was a tourism promo song?
>偏食 (Henshoku) having the image of someone stable and not overly dependent, Inui is good with heavy love type of songs. Inui's tendency to drag her voice fits this song, and it makes her sound kind of clingy. There's also a sense of resignation. Imagine fools in love kind of resignation. And the Darling parts are delicious!
>ダーリン (Darling) The subtle yearning in her voice and the way she said Darling is driving me crazy. Imagine her yearning for you and calling you darling....that won't happen for sure, but you can get a taste of that in this cover. This cover can stir your emotions and sound erotic (check out the breathiness at 0:57 and 2:12).
That last chorus...Jesus, I want truckkun to run over me and let me be reborn as her mic or Midori Days type of plot will be fantastic too.
Honorable mention
>ラヴィ (Lavie) is an understatement to describe this cover, especially Inui's chu chu chu~ part. It's...うおおおめっちゃセクシーあぁぁぁ戍亥エロすぎるasmrお願い. Moreover, when else will we get an illustration of Inui holding our hand to her cheek? Not on Inui's channel for sure.
The other three songs are tamer on the surface, even the illustrations of the MVs looked less intimate than Lavie's. However, the feeling they something else. The other three songs are emotionally intimate as if the listener of the songs is the recipient of her emotion. Lavie probably makes you want to 4545 to Inui, while the other three make you want to suki suki Inui.