Miyune's voice is really cute and really versatile. She could "fit in" as pretty much any model except for MILFs, probably.
https://www.twitch.tv/miyune/clip/PlumpGentleOkapiBatChest-JyPhQYNhFN1HVHQihttps://www.twitch.tv/miyune/clip/BlazingBreakablePhoneRiPepperonis-LAcBsE4z-0JxJrXeHer mannerisms in VR are adorable too.
>>44796845Fil has her model already she just doesn't want to debut until she's certain the new model is an improvement and I bet the current issue is glitchy/scuffed tracking. Watch her try to do stunts in that one reindeer avatar she used over a year ago. It's cute but the tracking doesn't know how to handle her movements. Even the Rindo model can't track her at full speed.