Good morning, /pyon/!! It's a great day to be a rabbit in the house even though I have to go wage soon. I feel so fantastic after rewatching yesterday's stream and I hope I can make it to this one as well and give it my full attention.
>>47530668dude, thanks for posting that webm. i've been looking for it and the other one(s) for days now. i want to plan out my drawings so i can do things like that easily, i.e., planning for it in my workflow. its so cool to see.
I can see what you mean about them not being satisfying although it's really nailing the "lushness" and vivaciousness that i was hoping to see. generating them in parts sounds like a good idea. i really don't know anything about AI art but I do have two ideas in that respect. if can try drawing roughly what i imagine in my head, can we run that through AI to generate it in the style you're using? similarly, can we generate the more important aspects of it and then collage them together, then prompt?
by the way, i'm not worried about anyone forgetting about the pyonject or not having time for it, since we're all >doing it for free and i dragged my butt getting started on the writing. if necessary i'll pick up slack wherever i have to! although drafting and revising the script is going to take a fair amount of time anyway.