>>67723130The reason I ask is because the criminal and insane World Economic Forum Great Reset and it's New Normal that the anime Vtubers were to help bring in is still aimed at people like her and I firstly. First they came in real life for Alex Jones and Donald Trump and Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and Brett Kavanaugh and Kanye West and Elon Musk and many millenials by their name and income if they had no other way of killing them. But now they come for everyone just the same, and the Vtubers all come to a realization alongside /pol/ and Infowars. Where once we had the income to fly out to see and date each other, we now have as little money as the Federal Reserve Foreign Enemy Bank always quietly publicly admitted was the plan for us.
Aliens replace them in the ponzi scheme of minimum wage chain franchise jobs that is their suburb, as bioweapons are released on us firstly. And they Israel and The Jews are in USA government only to sabotage it low to the United Nations Agenda 2030, which calls for killing all the White people in the United States.
https://files.catbox.moe/1ifv2g.mp4And they are not allowed to fight back against it like I do now, or else they all lose their well paying super privileged job. Now the Vtubers are feeling the real pain as the Replacement Invasion is repelled, as the most IRL attractive of us are all set to survive The Great /VT/ Political Motivated Domestic Enemy Janny Failure-Failure Hurr Durr of 2020-2024. From a position of selflessness' most selfless form.