A fantastic day of Hololive collabs and streams once again flies right on by. Can you believe it's almost been 10 days of February already? Time sure does fly when you're having fun...
>Songs released todayAfter god knows how long, Kronii finally conquered the La Le Lu Le Lo and released her original song (with it's very pretty MV) Daydream to the world! The song has such a soft melodic tone to it, basically the ED to a very special anime. If you missed the premiere of it, then you really should go and give it a listen to, you're missing out if you don't.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4>Some highlights for todayFor two Holos it seems like they decided to face off against the gacha demons to try to test their luck. On this side you've got Chloe who started off getting completely demolished in her Shadowverse pack opening, making a complete fool of herself after talking big at the start of the stream, but she was then smitten with RNGenus and pulled out some really good cards! On the other hand you have poor Aqua...poor sweet little Aqua...Today was supposed to be her celebrating reaching Solo Masters and she wasn't planning on buying a lot of packs to receive the heirloom she wanted...she ended up buying over 400 packs and did indeed get said heirloom...after opening pretty much every single crate in the game. If you look up destroyed in the dictionary, a picture of our poor sweet Aqua's smile would be there with APEX gacha in the background.
NePoLaBo had a super fun RAFT collab today in which they all did their best in protecting their precious Nene Seal from the hungry shark. There were many times where their asses got nipped because they get jumping into the water with said shark but then they got themselves a bigger, better, stronger raft and tons of grills and managed to have a very fun time drifting along the waters and spearing the shark right in the snout.
Bae got body slammed so goddamn hard playing Jump King today. She chose the wrong time to try playing this game because she already had a long day and her mind wasn't prepared for such a thing. That's why she ended the stream...on the very first screen she started in. Finally another game that raised her blood pressure high enough to say "FUCK IT", Mario Kart no longer holds that title by itself.
Beeg ID Minecraft collab happened! Moona, Ollie, Risu and yes even Anya all got on the ID Minecraft server in order continue building up the huge Pinisi Ship project that they've been working on for so very long. Lots of sweet interactions and giggles came out of this stream, especially from Risu who was having the time of her life.
Sherrif Mori made another appearance today, this time wearing the Cyber Police badge to clean up all the filth and law breaking losers in the game Hypnospace Outlaw. Plenty of really good moments happened in the first hour or so of this stream and even though it kind of slowed down as time went on it was still incredible to see some of the reactions Mori had to stuff like Zane and Corey plus Grandma's Cream Hot Butter Ice Cream.
INA! She came back! Still with a cough but also still cute as all hell. It was good to see OUR priestess again as she just delivered the news that she's now a cable warrior so her internet just became stronger than ever and we can look forward to a lot of great gaming streams like more Splatoon 2 and maybe even Dying Light 2.
Did you also know that there are really really good live streams happening right now as well such as IRyS grooming and saving (and having sex) with the wonderful Ame in NSO, Ollie playing the super amazing, fun and beautiful game Okami and Kronii with her new beef PC reading supachats during her after original song after party stream. Plus you've got Meimei tossing berries at you while yelling hello fello and Roboco taking on the brand new season of APEX to get herself familiar with the new things.
>Upcoming Big StreamsBotan's going to be away for a week or so while in the hospital so obviously you're going to want to get in as much cool gaming Lion streams as possible right? That's why you should wake up for this CoD mobile collaboration with the cool Hawkmama Lui since you know it's going to be a really good ass time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecEDLqdtyUMSo many memorable and fun streams happened on this day but which ones were the highlights of your day /hlgg/?