>>82102389Step 4
Summon reinforcements. Memories and things from before you met Yellow Woman. Begin to remember all of your other favorite things. Did you have a non-vtuber waifu? Open the folder with her pictures and appreciate them. Did you have a video game you loved dearly that Yellow Woman has not streamed before? Reinstall it and play it again, or browse fanart of it. Favorite music album? Start playing it, and step away from the computer so it gets the foreground appreciation it deserves. All of the things in your life that used to bring you pleasure, before Yellow Woman overshadowed them.
The longer you have been controlled by Yellow Woman, the more difficult this part of the process will be. But it is not impossible! Remember to continue to acknowledge and thank the animus of Yellow Woman each time it raises up.
Step 5
Once you have successfully re-ignited the flames of your original personality, the first voice within you (the one which believes it is in a relationship with Yellow Woman) will begin to weaken and protest less. It, too, remembers who you used to be. Thus deprived of her primary link to your psyche, the animus of Yellow Woman will begin to bargain with you. It will begin to remind you of things like the impending moment when Yellow Woman awakens today and inevitably posts in /pcg/. It will begin to remind you that Yellow Woman will probably post something on twitter today. It will tell you that it can compromise, and that it will be a good girl from now on and will live within your mind without overwriting everything else and consuming your personality. Each time you must acknowledge it, and thank it, but you MUST NOT give in to it and accept compromise.
Continue to summon your reinforcements. All things that pre-date Yellow Woman will help to reconstruct your original personality.