>>31455634put this as Non-Canon pls.
A Queen and her Musicbattle
It was an ordinary day like any other in the Retro Reich... until the sky suddenly turned dark and was hidden behind a wall of clouds of gray. From within the clouds, a circular shaped object broke through and landed in the capital.
Feeling that something was off, many citizens fled the streets and hid inside their homes. Others, however, let curiosity get the better of them and approached where the object was bound to land.
What they saw shocked them, out of the object came many Deadbeats, partly clad in clothing that reminded the people, partly, of the oldest among the Onobots. But before they had a chance to truly ponder what this meant, the Deadbeats started to attack. With strange tools they hit their bodies and from it mysteries sounds echoed out into the city in strange melodies. Those that seemed to be „in the way“ of the sound were blasted to pieces. Others managed just barely to run away into the side streets, screaming in terror.
The Onobots could not let these Deadbeats bring chaos into their beloved home and as quickly as possible they build a formation to face these strange Deadbeats from the skies.
But even the Onobots stood no chance. The shockwave of sound that the Deadbeats emitted moved past any armor the Onobots had. Their bodies vibrated to the extreme, shaking them apart, and the frequency of the music seemed to completely overload their systems.
One after another fell, but still they did not give up. They have vowed to protect humans and as long as even one was left standing they would not let these Deadbeats pass.
As the numbers of Onobots however, diminished further and further, a shimmer of light shone upon the Onobots. An explosion could be heard from the Castle as a being of unfathomable power approached the point where Onobots and Spacebeats were locked into combat. As she landed protective before the Onobots, no one could believe their eyes. It was none other than their Queen Onolumi
„HEY GUYS! What is going on?“ Onolumi looked upon her Onobots with a smile.
„My queen, it hurts me to say, but we alone were not able to face this foe...“ The Onobots could only look at the floor with shame as their Queen's warm smile looked upon them
„Don't worry guys, leave it to Lumi! Disgusting Boy, my weapon!“
„As if appearing out of thin air, a dog came out of behind Onolumi, a guitar in his mouth. Lumi took the Guitar, as she took the guitar into a full grip, lightning seemed to spew out of her into all directions, a testament of the power about to be unleashed.
The Spacebeats begun immediately to assault her, unleashing their most rhythmic melodies upon their bones yet. With skilled finger play, however, Lumi deflected their soundwaves into the sky.
The Spacebeats and Onolumi were now engaged in a deadly fight of sound. The Spacebeats tried to overwhelm the Queen with their numbers, but even tho it seemed at times like they managed to drive her into a corner and defeat was imminent. Onolumi would always come back with sheer tenacity.
It is said that the ensuing battle would last for weeks with no rest but in the end Queen Onolumi would stand a top a mountain of her fallen enemies, holding her guitar high into the sky, with one final riff she would announce to all her victory and the return of peace to the Retro Reich.
The Queen returned to her chambers, but even in her absence, the people celebrated her victory to the fullest. Many bards tried to replicate the many masterful cords and rhythms they have heard over the weeks of battle from their hiding places, but not of them could ever truly come close to the originals that laid deep in the hearts of those that heard them.