>>25231492>>25231823Former neet of almost a decade here the unironic solution to fixing it like is baby steps. It's literally just that. You can't fix your brains behaviour immediately. You need to take time and that time can be years, to do small incremental things to effectively rewire your brain to do the things you want it to do. If you find yourself having a burst of motivation to do things you want to spend that brief period on developing habits. Even if those habits dont stick the act will slowly creep into your behaviour over time and effort. The very act of "self improvement" has impacts that over time makes doing things easier.
A very unhealthy way to fix things but effective is to abuse yourself. Literally just constantly shit on yourself for not doing things etc. This sort of method won't work for everyone because its reliant on the basis of your brain trying to retaliate against the abuse to do things. Combo with the previous baby steps you can use this to force habits into yourself.
If you want to fix yourself the most important thing for you to fix first as well is your sleeping habits. You don't need to wake up at 6am in the morning but you don't want to be sleeping to the afternoon. Set yourself limits and goals. I don't want to sleep into the afternoon so even if it means you don't get more than 5 hours of sleep don't sleep past 12pm. Now, why is this important? Besides the part were poor sleeping habits will literally rob you of cognitive functions over time. Good sleeping behaviour just aligns your body properly and the better your sleep quality the healthier your mind and body is. You can't really bring yourself up from any situation without first fixing your sleep behaviour. It gives you more energy, improves your brain functions in every way and adjusts the chemicals in your brain to just be "more positive" and proactive. If you don't get proper sleep the brain with time puts itself in the dumps and this sort of effect is pretty obvious when if you get a night of pretty poor sleep you can spend the entire day as a result just feeling like shit. If you do that everyday its easy to see why it impacts your thoughts and behaviour to just be well more shitty.
Find something to do with your time. It doesn't really matter what it is so long as its something productive and not just mindlessly playing video games or something. Something that isn't just you escaping. That could be doing a uni course, getting a job or an intensive hobby which could just be exercise/body building or something. Maybe just making things or fiddling with electronics. You need SOMETHING to occupy your time that in some capacity is productive and has value. This isn't about making yourself feel like you have value, it's about doing things that makes you do things, exist and think. The goal here basically is to not escape, its to do something that binds you and compels you to act. If there is an obligation the brain slowly loses the aversion and resistance and becomes more willing to do stuff. Entertainment does not fulfil this role.
While some people will say go outside I'm going to maybe give the opposite advice? There is no need to do this, you can just go outside to your yard or something. For some people the act might be important but for most people I don't think it will. What is important here is /having/ a reason to go outside and doing that. Even if that something is just going outside to buy a snack or two. You don't need to go outside actively to help yourself so there is no value in forcing yourself to do it. Going outside to do something is good and helps develop a healthy mental state so your goal with this entire idea isn't go outside for the sake of it, its to do something and going outside is apart of that act.