Pack 7 is out. Go to Market and buy it 3 times for maximum copies of the Commons. Only AI is enabled at the moment, I'll turn PvP back on later. Let me know if anything isn't working as intended.
Silence is now removable by return-to-hand and resurrection
Alpha Nasa Cat no longer affects enemy cats
Gatekeeper debut now targets any other card and does two 1 dmg instances
Himebito debut can target enemies and now lowers def instead of doing damage
Lumitchi cost increase on death 2->1
Shiina atk loss 3->2
Starknight now gives the target Tummy Hort (can't be targeted by friendly return-to-hand effects)
Venerable Ember cost 6->7 with a -1 cost oshi effect"Patch 6.5" Changelog