>>89030769Because women don’t like owning up to responsibility and being honest
>be Vtuber>get Vtuber gf>says that we have to keep it a secret because people won’t want to watch her if people know she’s not single>sucks but I understand>shut down lewd jokes that happen on my stream since I had some gay viewers + fujos that would thirst after me>this just seems natural for me to do; I’m in a relationship after all, I need to be loyal>expect her to do the same>notice on her streams she’s flirting with viewers and saying sexually suggestive things most of the time though>say I don’t like it and ask if she can stop>”anon I don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s just me normally talking to my chat”>viewers in her chat are constantly hitting on her and obviously making innuendos about wanting to fuck her and do sexual stuff with her>”anon I can’t control how they act, it’s out of my control”>you can just ban them or tell them to stop>”do you not want me to succeed in my life anon? Do you want me to fail as a vtuber?”>tell her she’s more than just being coomer bait and she doesn’t need to rely on stupid shit like that to actually succeed>”wtf are you calling me a whore anon!?”Women have established their role as being the default victim in all circumstances and exploit that to its full advantage, justifying in their head that this is just “how it is” and that they’re “right” to do so. It’s okay for them to not play by the rules because in their eyes they deserve everything because they’re oppressed. It’s such a fundamental part of their mentality that they’ve convinced themselves it’s true, and if you call them out on it, saying that they’re capable of doing wrong and being horrible, you’re basically saying that their existence is a lie and they revile and despise you for it. Men are horrible because if they aren’t, then that must mean women are potentially horrible, and that is just something they’re unable to accept. Only men can be horrible people. Only men can do bad things. Only men can be the aggressor or the instigator.