We thought that community guidelines were choking our creativity. But its not them doing that... Its us. This is supposed to be a playground where anything is possible. But still we get content that's more bland and safe than network TV. Highschool English classes assign more controversial material. Yeah, we're corrupting our youth but not in the way that you think. We're teaching them to be in an environment that they don't like. To be boring and fake. To appeal to the widest possible audience. These rules we think are protecting children are actually killing them. They idolize the most successful creators who sit in a chair and repeat the same safe things, over and over again. Because, remember the times when we were kids? Thinking, if only I had a camera... If only I had a computer... I would make magic. How could we forget that? All the things we wanted to say about life and sex and death and people? We need eachother and we need to hear the truth and be reminded that we're not alone.