>>61656062>A few weeks(?) ago I saw an extensive post on her game choices and stream recs etc.These are the Biboo starter recommendation questions (and associated answers) that I can remember + was able to dig up from the last month or two:
>>59561047>>59236333>>61112085>>61514206As you noted, pebbles here tend to have pretty overlapping recs, so it may actually be possible to make a general rec list rentry broken down by "type of stream" or the different charm points expressed in each.
May be a bit too subjective or convoluted to try combine all their writeups though. Could break it down to small tags to use on her vods. "chaos/violence" "trolling/gremlin" "boss fight training" "challenge run" "off-meta" "zatsu" "building/creative" as well as general-use ones for collab, short series, (actually) short vids, etc.