Now let's talk about NASA. NASA was created with deception in mind. It's seen in its name, which in Hebrew means 'to deceive' and in its logo, which depicts a snake tongue.
One of the chief brass at NASA, Wernher Von Braun has Psalm19:1 engraved onto his gravestone. What does that Psalm verse say you ask?
>The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.There was no moon landing. There are no satellites floating around taking pictures of the non existent made up space. There's no black holes, there's no aliens (well, not aliens in the sense you think, they are demons and they aren't from space because as we've established space does not exist).
The 'planets' and stars are lights in the heavens put there for signs and signals, just like God said they were. We are surrounded by water above us. When the great flood happened, that was akin to the floodgates up in the firmament being opened and the water crashing down and wiping out all life besides Noah and those onboard his ark.
>B-b-but Noah's ark is just a fable!No, it quite literally is not, it's real, it happened, and there's proof. world is almost 6,000 years old. Everything in the bible is true and every single prophecy in it has either happened or will happen and since we're at the very end of days there's not much remaining that hasn't already come to pass.
How do I know that we are in the end days? Because the Millenial era when Jesus Christ will rule will last 1,000 years. Since the world is almost 6,000 years old now, it'll last until the world hits 7,000 years which will mimic the creation of the heavens and the earth, including us.
>But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.2Peter 3:8
You see /pol/, there's a formula for this.
1. Without a globe earth circling the sun through the far reaches of space, we do not have the BIG BANG.
2. Without the Big Bang, we do not have EVOLUTION.
3. Without evolution, we are more likely to accept creation as an act of intelligent design by a DIVINE CREATOR.
Evolution exists but not in the way you've been led to believe. A feline can evolve and adapt in certain environments and that can explain how the cat family looks different depending on its environment, but a feline will never evolve into something outside of its family tree, like into a fish. God inserted into all lifes genomes the ability to evolve and adapt.
While we're on the subject of genomes, allow me to blow your mind even more.
Each cell in your body has about 2 meters of DNA and you have about 75-100 trillion cells inside of your body. If you took all the DNA in your body and uncoiled it, then lined it up, it would reach the sun (the heliocentric version of the sun, aka the false one) and back ~300 times. You really think evolution produced something as blessed as us?
I can keep going, come, let's go even deeper.
In the bible when it says ALL the books will be opened on judgement day, do you know what that means? Your DNA is your book. Oh you better believe it, it's the truth. Your DNA keeps a record of every single thing you have done in life and you will be judged on your deeds. Uncoiled DNA is like a scroll. Christs DNA is the book of life, that's one of the reasons he came here. I could go into that more in depth but let's just leave it there.