>>42026170https://youtu.be/bzCAOKMTDQ0?t=689> (talking about their love of chuubas)> Girls messing around in a place where I'm not interfering, is what I like about it.> I like watching girls messing around with each other.> It's not like I want to get in there or anything, since if I'm there the vibe would be different.> I like watching Hololive members playing games together.> I don't want to play together with them, just want to watch them enjoy their time with each other.> The feeling that they're just doing this in their own space and we're just people watching them, is what makes it enjoyable.> If they pay attention to the "outside" it's a bit weird.> "We are being watched" is something that of course they all know about, but they don't particularly give off that feeling of "being watched".> It feels like "raw entertainment".These guys really put into words what the "BOX" is all about imo.