>>24101837Consider the following:
Look at your NASFAQ leaderboard position compared to those above you in the Trading Overview. You are limited by your net worth. You're still doing very well for the amount of money you're able to play with so don't feel bad! Your rank is based on net trading income, not trading return percentages. You won't be able to reach the top 20, 30, even 40 of the report because it's genuinely impossible unless you pull some MAD STUFF. So please, don't feel depressed about it. It's out of your control. You are still quite successful, it's just that the success doesn't translate very well in this report. Cheer up heimin!
Third in divs is actually really impressive considering you did so well in trading too (again, it doesn't show up clearly on the report), so there's that. You're good at organising your wallet, so be happy. You did well!