>>6639572>The Tsunderia management are famously a bit too nice and too invested in their talents which might make them lose sight of when to put their foot down for the sake of maintaining cohesion and moraleThis probably plays some part in it, judging by the tone of Slugma and Char's AMA. I doubt anyone in Tsunderia overpromised anything given how upfront staff and even their streamers are about things in general, but even the most ardent Ria fans would agree that in the end, Tsunderia was not the right place for her. Where the resentment comes from is that she never seemed to give them a fair chance, despite going through multiple audition phases, signing a contract with them, and taking a roster spot from someone else. Meru was in much the same position as her at the start, and she decided to give everything she's got into Tsunderia instead of splitting her time between two lives. She's basically come out and said that Ria's decisions hurt her so badly that she almost quit, and nobody hurts Meru and gets away with it. MERU LOVE!