>>47101923Oh nice, merch talk, some things of note(Direct quotes done by DeepL, may be inaccurate);
>There are team for Cover led merch, holo led merch(anniversaries and shit) and innovative/collab merch>The whole merch division is small as fuck and they outright state to be understaffed>Flexible hours: "M: Well, (laughs) I basically come to work at around 11am because of the flexible working hours, check my emails and tasks, and have about three to four meetings a day. The rest of the time I'm working on each project, and there are usually six or seven projects going on at the same time, so I'm progressing with each of them.">They specialize debut merch in being small shit even a casual fan would buy>They start working on talent-led merch around six months before the event and tons fo holos request merch that isn't doable for Cover's contacts>In regards to Cover-brancd merch "We are thinking about PR and how to increase our line-up, not as Hololive Production, but as a growing brand of goods, sent out by Cover Inc.">Some of them joined because they liked chuubas, they egosearch people being happy about receiving the goods too>"Rather than the usual approach of the company controlling the production to a certain extent, I was impressed by the fact that the talent really wants to do what they want to do. I was surprised to see that the talent's wishes were the basis of the work, and only then did it become a reality.">"Also, the MD department is a predominantly female department, so it was easy to work in! Since I joined the company, the number of women has increased even more, and now it's about 7:3.">They apparently actually take fan feedback into consideration