>>39015774>>39015597as the unoffical representative for id3, i like the idea for what you think but that would be 400 to 600 years after this falls apart with risu and mep, and others even. though we can space it out a bit. ideas for what causes id 3 can be related to v7 rebelling AND perhaps kobobros invading. my nation comes about because of the influence of others mainly, i set it up oddly like that because it was kino. the capital being a abandoned city is really cool and i like the idea. perhaps one of the things for ID2 was ollie overall causing instability which caused oiseau to split. if i could timeline it without date
>risuners disappear as a civilization around 50 bvte>Ollie finger yab causes the Oiseau Revolution in whatever date that happened, 200 or 300 vte?>ID3 i think i dated to like 700 vte. so 750 or whatever, Republic of Zeta declares independence, and idk what causes ehe. perhaps just numberfags. Lusitania is united formally in 759 according to my calendar so maybe move Zeta back 100 years.