>>41259905I take even negative feedback happily. That means they at least read what I made and felt enough of something to give me ways on how I can improve it, and that's pretty cool. Lack of feedback can be tough, but I try not to let it to get me, since there is still a chance someone read it, but didn't feel compelled enough to react one way or the other, they may have even liked it and couldn't think of anything they viewed as very meaningful to say. Best advice I can give to both those problems though: Keep writing. If it's fun, keep on writing. I just got fucking T-boned and came out unscathed, and you know what? Even though my main series doesn't get a lot of feedback, I'd be pretty pissed if I died before getting to write more of it. I'm also taking that as a sign that I'm not allowed to die until I finish this shit, if it ever has an end. Keep chasing the passion, keep chasing the dream and never give up!