>>34599764Thanks! A tidbit that I forgot to add’s that bathhouse is conventionally the first thing to be built in a house. If a /vnug/ house has more than one room then it most likely has a bathroom, while if it only has one room the chance’s 50-50 (sauna room’s comfortable to rest in but I doubt it’s good for storage)
>bathhouseIt’s kind of a mixture between Finnish sauna and Korean sauna (for a lack of better words) since I’m told it’s pretty much mandatory in that climate. Plus who doesn’t like a good steam bath? It most probably have a spiritual aspect like in Finland, although the secular aspect is borrowed from Roman bath culture which is also part of the inspiration for the Saturnlia-like festival comes from (especially given that /vnug/ culture is probably somewhat conservative, at least on the outside). The other part’s the existence of Wiowa which I interpret as someone (or something) that’s the polar opposite of Liora in /vnug/’s religion, and hence it makes sense for her to play a major role in the festival where people just let loose for a day (or a few?)
A while ago when I was writing about the bathhouses I mentioned it being co-ed, although it’s more meant to be a contrast to Mujigae’s (i.e. Joseon’s) more segregated culture than anything based on the fanbase or the thread. That said I haven’t decided on whether you’re actually allowed intimacy in the bathhouses despite showing yourself naked before others. I kinda feel like given what’s been established the attitude would be somewhere between “no” and “get a room” with Wiowa’s festival being the main exception. Maybe latter is better since I’m told it’s pretty hot (hehe) to go intimate in semi-public spaces like that and it kinda makes sense when considering /vnug/ people probably give birth in sauna room by default for both spiritual and pragmatic reasons
>pillarI like how the more things change, the more they stay the same… as for the stone foundations, being able to support larger buildings are definitely a plus though for most the key’s probably that you can build ondol into the foundation but you probably can’t do that on a tree stump. Maybe a mix between natural tree stumps and artificial pillars would allow for better support before steel piles become a thing?
>spoilerYou’re very much welcomed! Tell me if you need any help since I don’t have any stories to write at the moment
I’m also thinking of trying to write smut>picrelI feel I got gaslit hard since the only thing that’ll convince me a pic that came out in the last few days is actually drawn by human would be signatures on them