>>1909437>Roboco Request from last thread>Robophilia Pt.1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b3VQUUBZzootAXOJvi65FDuVqSfk1HJDSnYFaNhKk4k/edit?usp=sharing>Robophilia Pt.2 You remembered when life was simple.
You were just an average college student working towards a degree in artificial intelligence. You worked part time as a research assistant on your university's campus. You didn’t drink or party much, never got in trouble with your supervisor and had a healthy 3.5 GPA. But when you woke up in that lab that day…
Everything in your life changed.
You glanced over at the one who caused that change. A girl was sitting there with her eyes closed and a smile had graced her lips. But that was no ordinary girl. Her claw-like feet and plated hands were clear indicators of such. She was Roboco, your AI ‘girlfriend’ and someone who you loved, but also confused and terrified by. The robot girl was currently in her stasis mode to preserve her energy, also to process the data she had recorded throughout the day, something she described as being similar to how humans would sleep.
Your relationship didn’t exactly start off on the right foot. You had awoken in a part of your university's lab that you had never been in before, only to stumble upon Roboco who was tethered to many cables and was in a long term ‘sleep’ mode. But by walking into her chambers, you had ‘awoken’ her. You still remember her nude body walking up to you, that innocent look she had when she started to introduce herself to you. However, her data had become corrupted and as such, she became extremely aggressive and attacked you. Not only that, she raped you so many times and so forcefully that you're still surprised you were sane.
After that incident, however, she had calmed down and managed to stabilize her data enough to where her original sweet personality returned. Roboco had insisted she go with you and you hesitantly accepted, both curious as to see what this girl wanted, but more so… afraid… as to what would happen if she snapped again. She brought you out of the facility and quickly you began recognizing where you were until you managed to leave the research building. From there it was an easy walk to your apartment and with the still nude Roboco in tow, you surprisingly managed to get there without any incidents.
After settling down and getting her some clothes, you sat her down and asked what she wanted from you. You were shocked to learn that she just wanted to learn how to be a regular girl. And to that end, she wanted to be… your girlfriend. There were many questions on your mind, such as how the university would react to her leaving and if they were going to look for her, but she just shrugged off those concerns, saying that she would protect you and herself from anything they would send.
You didn’t know why you accepted. There were so many red flags that screamed ‘danger’. Maybe it was the lust from remembering all the different ways she fucked you. Maybe it was the pure exhaustion of going through the events of the day. Maybe you were just lonely, and the idea of a girl throwing herself at you willingly was a dream come true. If you had to guess it probably was a mix of all of these.