>>91628301Now, I'm looking at what I want to do next, and I'm not gonna lie: Until I get to the time we have modern services like Vrabi and Vstats in play, this is gonna be torture to track, so I'm thanking God that I only have to track a very small amount of girls for this period of time.
I want to go back and reconstruct a fully complete EN Tally. As in, going back to the debut of Hololive EN in September 2020, and piecing it all the way back together until I can complete documentation up to the current day.
As of right now, I have all of 2023 and all of 2024 to date charted out in different spreadsheets. But 2020, 2021 and 2022 are unaccounted for in terms of totals. If I can do that, I'll be able to present the big project I want to hit:
>A COMPLETE MOTE TOTAL OF EN VTUBING (under the rules of the EN Tally)If I can make that happen, then it will allow for a complete understanding of EN Numbers for anyone who would want to go back and look at them, at least in terms of CCV peak. And if I can finish that, I can go back and do the same for tracking with Cope Tally data, and maybe even Raspberry, and fully account for everything. A complete compendium... The dream dataset, if possible.