>>32336186/watamelon/ votes (thanks for reminding me Sol):
1. Yes and Option 2. It is what the reps want to flesh out lore and have some fun. No need to go with Option 4 furthermore because the Nijireps have agreed already internally that if a new thread comes, they will happily give up land. Most of our timeloops that the Province system aims to fix comes from taking loreless and unrepped land. In that light, I cannot see an argument for 3 or 4 when the lore potential is great. Furthermore, I believe that Warsuner had a kino idea this whole affair and why warkop is like this.
2. Yes, they agreed.
3. No, I would vote for 2 but this is a useless vote that doesn't matter. Wherever /who/, /morig/ or /LazuLight/ thinks the continental divide is at is pointless, most of the reps in the area lean towards inclusion with the SE continent anyways.
4. Yes, I also want to know why article A wasn't already codified when it passed last week. An Explanation is in order because that violates the spirit of voting to just not put it in when it passed and there was no call for it to be delayed.
5. Yes, and outdated law needs to be removed to avoid confusion, confusion that struck OGsuner when he voted.
Take care. We will get an /Ahoy/rep through meme magic.