>>6249619What? VTubers are not real? Hmmm, so Matsuri and Shion aren't either... f u b u k i i s n o t r e a l...? GyaaaaAAAAaaaAAAAAaaa! WhyyYYYYyyyYYYyy! HOLOLIVE-EEEHHHH! You bastard! Goodbye! Goodbye to this goddamn world! Huh? She's looking? Fubuki on the poster is looking at Matsuri! FUBUKI ON THE POSTER IS LOOKING AT MATSURI!! Fubuki is looking at Matsuri! FUBUKI ON YOUTUBE IS LOOKING AT MATSURI!!! Fubuki on Twitter is talking with Matsuri! Thank God! The world hasn't left me! YaHOOOooo! Fubuki is still with me! I did it! I can do it! Twitter's Fubuking-YYAAAAAAAAaaaa!!!! Uuhhuhh! Haato-sama! Aki Aki! Melu melu! Roboco-senpaiiiiaaaaii!! Send Matsuri's love to Fubuki! To Fubuki from Hololive!