Quoted By:
>fans will focus on bullying the Warden character hardcore because they're expecting "The one designed to look like a sadist is actually a squishy masochist" thing to happen again. She'll actually have a spine and be upset about it and whip the chat into shape, which will work with Members, but greyfags will still be faggots and she'll grow to hate greys with a passion
>Little Witch Not-betta will be a degenerate lolifag but also an autist with hyperfixations on particular things that she streams about a lot (not "Hyperfixation" in the way it works with Gura and Ame, aka, extreme focus on one topic for a week or two, only to burn out of it completely relatively soon. I mean "Hyperfixation" as in "absurdly deeply into some niche shit like Pre-Age of Enlightenment Venetian Accounting or Commercial sea-faring Logistics pipelines, and she won't stop bringing it up)
>the older Wolverine will be a massive siscon
>the younger Wolverine will be pretty normal in terms of HoloEN, but will use ACTUAL zoomer slang. Not like, Bae's weird Aussie zoomerisms, she's gonna just drop in fr fr on God no cap shit straight bussing with the sauce
>the Prisoner will be a Kiwi and people will never stop making Australia jokes about her (she will play into it for exactly one and a half weeks and realize her mistake will never go away after that)