>>72499359>/pcgen3/ had a reasonable consensus among pattern enjoyerswhat pattern? and run a poll over the course of a few days if you really want to get a consensus
also make sure to stay mostly on topic with what is in your OP (that does mean reducing the claraposting, as much as I would like a place to talk about her that's not as fast as /pcg/) as you need to solidify this place as what it says on the box
>>72497651, pitting your split as an anti split is something only browns do, you need to put forward your split as it's own place so you can create your own culture
this is the only advice I'm going to give you on how to run the thread as it's worked for both /pcgia/ and the lia thread
finally, vtl7 is in autumn so while you don't need to start prepping now, don't leave it until a month before signups
t. the one who baked /pcai/