>>56623229"It's not at all."
>Promised PvE got scrapped >they wasted 2-3 years doing nothing btw>imbalanced Heroes, they are paywalled ofc>skins are expensive as fuck, even the fucking recolors>even if you have the Battlepass, you still have to give Blizzard more money to get a skin>Skin quality into the ground, a mere recolor is now considered "Legendary">Soulless ranking system compared to OW1>Ranked games dont show the exact rank of your team mates and enemies>ergo, it's Blizzard excuse to put you on a team with people with different elos (there are Silver and Diamond players on the same fucking game)>>>>>>>reciclyng the same fucking events because they lack the creativity to do something worth (Just keep playing Lucioball. chud!)OVERWATCH 2 IS SHIT AND IT IS A FUCKING DOWNGRADE FROM THE FIRST ONE
Blatant cashgrab, glad to see Holocure mogging that trash