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Now that the bans are over and I enjoyed my time with my dogs, catching up on vods and lovin my oshi, 2 things in particular I noticed while all the regulars were shot down:
1. Thread was 1000x more peaceful without the luxiem shitposters. Jesus Christ the place was night and day not having to see them in the thread.
2. You guys suck dick at evaluating vods. Notably, the innocent anons here that attempted to track the progress of Gura’s last two streams, with Devour being horribly misjudged. Without even getting into the nitty gritty details, an average Gura vod typically gets somewhere between 90-110k views per hour of stream time. Emphasis on AVERAGE, not buff content. This has been apparent for months now too, yet for whatever reason anons just could not look past the number and completely ignored both the content as well as the stream time. If the vod was 30 minutes longer, aka your average Gura vod (3 hours) it would be over 300k. And that’s ignoring everything else surrounding it, so I have no clue why people even doomposted. I don’t wanna get more autistic about it but jesus anons please follow numbers more before acting like the world is over. It’s going to get its 300k.
Anyways, good to be back with the losers.