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Good evening MANS, Nature anon here. Last night I talked about the strange cat I received as a surrender during which I mentioned he came with a Bettatiel which he is bonded with. I finally got the Bettatiel to let me take a photo of him. He is just as feisty as his cat friend though that is not surprising Bettatiels are known to be quite feisty. Bettatiels are unique among Bettel variants for their lack of colors being mostly white with a few patches of pink and blue feathers. The pink and blue feather locations vary between each individual of this species and pattern does not appear to be genetic rather truly random occurrence. This fact leads neglect from bad breeders as the more white a Bettatiel has the less valueble they are meaning mostly white ones like this individually are neglected very often in favor of more colorful members. The colorful ones don't have it much better as many rich folk buy them and keep them alone in tiny cages being treated as decor rather then the a living being. Bettatiel are social and need at least one elysanimal friend to be happy a human is not a good enough companion alone. Luckily Bettatiel's can easily bond with other elysanimals so finding them a friend is not hard just as long as it is another social elysanimal they'll likely become friends fast.