>>93267352You're right, your evil is much more disgusting than theirs, but theirs is more fucked up from a social and relational level
But guess what? Both end up in hell.
Want to talk nuance? Sure, but it's still ultimately evil, which is what matters
At the end of the age you WILL stand before the judge and you WILL give an account of all the evil you have done and you WILL be thrown into the lake fire, where you will experience fire not of this world and darkness not of this world for eternity, much worse than being banned
Because the wages of sin is death, however, you don't have to go through all that because, while the former statement is true, the following is true as well, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus's death on the cross, which took on the deathly wages of all mankind, paying it all off
Confess that you're a sinner in dire need of saving and confess that Jesus is Lord and that His blood is enough to paint over your criminal record which is your sin