>>90204632Well, she's not pedobaiting exactly, at least not from her perspective, because she doesn't believe lolicon is pedophilia
I wouldn't say she's pedobaiting either, but i say that because that's not her intention, she just is into lolis herself and as such she is in the community also, the community jokes and what they revolve around is pedo though so even if it's not their intention that's what it seems like to those from outside, namely tourists
Objectively speaking? Not pedobaiting, but lolicon is still pedophilic and you shouldn't do it, for it's sin and the consequences of sin is death, not just physical death, but also eternal death, that of hell
Humble yourselves and repent and be forgiven! The kingdom of God is at hand! The day in which all people are judged is edging closer! Those that are not with Christ are against Christ, you cannot be seated at the right hand of two kings that are at war at the same time, you can't serve two masters! Serve God and God only! Do not sit on the fence thinking you've fooled the devil! For he owns the fence, and God the land!
You always hear these arguments, and you turn away from them, because they're arguments of man, because "let people enjoy things!", but i tell you, and i don't tell you of my own word, but of God's! Whoever lust after someone has committed adultery with them in their heart! Anyone who commits sexual immorality, that is, abusing the gift of sexuality from God and using it for any other purpose than its intended use, has found themselves unto death! Those who break the law and don't respect man's authority does the same for God's, for all authority is from the Lord and sin is transgression against God's design and laws!
God loves you, but He hates your sin! Hate sin and love God with all your heart, body and mind and love your fellow man as you would love yourself and the Lord will welcome you in His house!
Do not take offense at what I tell you, but feel sorry and come to Christ, and all will be forgiven.
>me when i tell people about the gospel>pic rel