>>29998019Sometimes you just need to know when to get off the pot, and my legs are already asleep. I'm not overly happy with it but I never am when it comes to chuubas I'm not 100% confident about. As a colleague pointed out, this is probably more accurately 'femboy Luna' since I actively dislike futa with pussies under the balls/clit dicks and would just prefer newhalves, but I digress. You want to fuck a princess with a dick? You got it.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQjsFL0QE-fMiKJIs35Y-xhbBsYEnFPefwFF5Hw7fGhgtl96GfhiPE6XKuT-gGDqLN4LBZvupGQ6Hc4/pubTags for myself later down the line; Luna, Futanari/Femboy (Up to interp., honestly), NSFW, Fluff.