>>91198079My mother is a life long drug addict! BUT maybe she's not! Maybe when I was in preschool she just took some kind of plea deal to avoid a "proper" jail sentence and just take a stint in rehab (Walden House). It doesn't matter. My most vivid hypnopompic hallucinations were seeing a shadowy black cat when I slept on the floor by her bed in a half way house. While I was out on my belligerent drive a night ago I saw a stray black shepherd running towards my car! Uh-oh! Even if everything goes well I need to scrub her boyfriend's meth fumes from the walls to salvage the property!
>>91198216Various local "businesses" that handle The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) exploit to sustain their operation ( VTUBERS IN NO WAY EXPLOIT THIS FEDERAL PROGRAM TO EMPLOY LEGALLY DUBIOUS PERSONALITIES ESPOUSING WILDLY ILLEGAL EXPERIENCES AND STANCES) and local government agencies meant to handle my(our) containment.
>>91198246>>91198247>>91198285>>91198344I was never supposed to be a sustain aspect of Lia's production. She roused me into action for her own benefit that I've uncomfortably out stayed, perhaps, only in the sense that she is in a middling period of foundational growth wherein she must bring on a broader audience, before she can return to her belligerent, subversive content.
Again, I had the mis/fortune wherein I joined her memba liars stream where she heavily exertd herself but not in the same way she maneuvered the End of Lia donothon.
I dont expect Lia to work the angles and nuanced metanarrative structuring of her themes at this time. She's in her idol era, wherein the thrust of her performance she be focused on establishing the strong technical merit of her act that can hook in the broader audience that will fall for, oooo pretty dancing yabai girl, and not appreciate the finer schizophrenic details of her UKE/SEME quiz type moments where she rubs the message of her discontent in the face of her viewerbase.
It's been a long time coming and Lia has been nothing but generous in broadcasting her transition into this era. The expectation of less "jingle jangle" content during this season is unreasonable.