>>74397925At this point I fully believe teamates are the jews of /vt/ and will do everything in their power to make everyone believe that whatever ame did was right. There is simply too many of them are they control every narrative and "acceptable hololive behaviour" depends on what Ame does and says, if Mori told her fans to improve themselves the board would be painted pink, since Ame said it teamates were forced to start spinning narratives in order to save face, the same would happen if she did a collab with the homos. Mori is collabing because she hates hololive and wants to ruin it, Ame would be collabing because she loves hololive and wants to help support all members. They are a shady bunch, do not believe any post you read on this board, theres a decent chance its a teamate setting gears in motion for their next coverup when Ame yabs. They probably falseflag as their own antis just to set up strawmen and instigate fanbase wars in order to control the narratives. Look at how quickly the deadbeats vs teamates war evaporated into thin air once Mori started interacting more with Ame, instead chumbuds have become the public enemy of the thread and the resident punching bags. These people follow Ame like a religion, if she does something that means its correct, even if just a few hours previously it was the worst possible thing when Kiara did it. Stay vigilant when you read posts here.