>>79566896I've been /here/ since before /pcg/ existed, before the /vt/ board existed, and before even /pol/ and /r9k/ were a thing. I was /here/ as the board culture was developing and perhaps maybe even helped shape some of it.
>be me>grumpy old fucking man >pushing 40>penis not cooperative>just want to retire in peace>want to take my dark web boner pills>bought pills with crypto>bee tee see>mined with my laptop>laptop has nvidya tho>256MB!>laptop very hot>laptop makes funny noise lolololol>blue smoke everywhere>laptop is kill>ohwell.jpg>at least have all these bee tee sees>will use them for new laptop>check calendar>ohfuck.gif>it's 2009>bee tee see is $0.001 each>years pass>still have aych dee dee from laptop>hahahahahafuckyouall.bmp>never have to work again>ff to now>dark web crypto boner pills wearing off>want to fap to my loli-sister-daughter-wives fast>instead write this retarded greentext>mfw this place is so fucking brown>mfw i'm the dinosaur