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Grug have plan to save nasfaq game. Grug write plan in funny bullet point list. Grug hope you like plan.
- Nasfaq game have too many coin. Coin no worth anything. Grug say need seasons mechanic. Seasons mechanic make coin go away every month. Then coin worth more. Grug smart.
- Seasons mechanic also make game more fun. Grug like fun. Fun good for brain. Seasons mechanic make game have new things every month. Like new hololive girl or new meme or new drama. Grug love drama.
- Seasons mechanic also make game more fair. Grug hate unfair game. Unfair game make Grug angry. Angry bad for health. Seasons mechanic make everyone start from zero every month. No more big whale or big shark or big fish in game. Only small fish and small crab and small worm.
- Grug also say need great reset in nasfaq game. Great reset best thing since sliced bread (Grug no know what bread is but sound good). Great reset make all coin go away forever and start new game with new rules and new name and new logo and new everything.
- Great reset also make nasfaq game more popular again (Grug no know how but trust Grug). Great reset make nasfaq game go viral on internet (Grug no know what internet is but sound good). Great reset make nasfaq game get many player from reddit and twitter and youtube (Grug hate reddit and twitter and youtube but need player).
- Great reset also make nasfaq game more happy again (Grug no know why but feel it). Great reset make nasfaq game have no more doompost or fudpost or shillpost or copepost or seethepost or any other bad post on /vt/ board (Grug hate /vt/ board most of all). Great reset make nasfaq game have only good post and good vibe and good energy.
Grug think this plan best plan ever for nasfaq game (Grug no biased at all). Grug hope you agree with plan (or else). Grug thank you for reading plan (or else).