Quoted By:
Fancy New Morning Review Format debuts in 5 hours. Please look forward to it.
Other changes:
>Numbers Review will go on hiatus for the remainder of the quarter. The data will still be collected.
>Starting in Q3, the Numbers Review database will change to the PAD, or Pre-Adjustment Database. This data will be collected during the last cycle before adjustments, and will be used to calculate daily movement values for Volume and Pricing.
>Afternoon Review will return as a semi-regular check-in during the day, usually somewhere between 1~3p Server Time.
>Numbers Review, when it returns in Q3, will be a market review of activity over the course of the day. It no longer is bound to Cycle 60, as this cycle is not considered particularly relevant any longer. Because of this, it will likely be later in the day, somewhere in the 9p~1a range.
>Dividend Review remains unchanged as it's already pretty good.
>G.U.R.A. Reports will return as a monthly report with an overhaul, covering the Top 100 players instead of just the Top 20, but focusing more on averages and other holdings. This report will typically take place on the last day of the month. This month, data will be collected, but it is unlikely a report will be created for June.
>Quarterly Market Reports will return as well. Expect Q2's report sometime in late July/early August.
Hope everyone enjoyed the couple of weeks off of trading, but we're not dead yet.