Anyway schedule time. Currently live:
Mouse - Celebrating 700k Twitch followers! Sort of. There's not so much celebration as there is a collab with Mel, but that's never a bad thing. - Collabing with Mouse. The tier list they're doing is fucking weird because they keep adding new stipulations as they go lol. - Singing. It's comfy if you just want something to listen to and not so much som ething you have to pay attention to. - Almost 10 hours strong into her birthday stream! Collaborating with Bahroo, Momo, and Texas who I'm pretty sure is one of her mods or something. - Jesus how long is this Genshin partnership going to last? Cause she's still doing that.'s it for today unless we get a surprise late Froot or Hime stream. So tomorrow's schedule:
Mouse - 500k Youtube subs celebration. So it'll be on Youtube! Don't forget since I'm sure most people only look at stuff happening on Twitch.
Vei - Said she would do Zomboid and more Darkest Dungeon tomorrow. I forgot about this when I said there was only one stream tomorrow oops.
Mel - Oops again. Also forgot Mel was going to officially debut her new song on Twitch. Someone already posted it last thread and I think it sounds cool.
Froot? According to precedent
2 examples She's more likely to get drunk on a Sunday than any other day. So if the drunk stream is happening I actually think tomorrow's a solid chance of it. Zen might make an appearance as well.
Zen? - Missed stream today so maybe tomorrow. Who knows.
Nyan's always off Sundays, but said she should be back Monday. Silver's probably off. Hime had her model stolen and is on a globetrotting adventure to get it back.