Back from a long day out today! I wonder what April Fools streams I missed today? I saw part of Krisis' and most of Ikey's stream! I'm excited to see what the other boys did since it seems like no one else did genderbends (thank goodness). I also just listened to Jun Akane's cover. I didn't expect to cry at that. Man, I'm rooting for that little trooper. Hang in there you cute red-headed pirate. I hope to see a collab between him and Gale someday.
>>72786424Ok but.....he has a nice voice though. Also I kinda laughed. Nice model too....
>>72791531Looks like I cam home back in time to catch his boyfriends stream! I don't know what's going on, but he's being cute nonetheless as always.
>>72788369Something lasting exactly one month....hmmm...It could be auditions. I thought those were always open though. This seems like an announcement of something big if they're making a post like that for it. I hope it's merch. I really want to show these boys off.