Like a spark from the blue, here's the Gambling Carnage Review.
We're in Day 8 of VTL4. Tomorrow's the last day.
Total winnings for today were $7,762,507,061. Overall winnings so far have been $61,336,281,630.
Match with the highest pot was /fvr/ vs /nasfaqg/, at $1,112,015,000.
Match with the highest number of gamblers was tied between /fvr/ vs /nasfaqg/ and /uuu/ vs /lig/, at 21 unique gamblers each.
1 Gambler did not win any bets today. 8 Gamblers overall have yet to win a single bet.
1 gambler that had not yet gambled this league started today.
Top 3 Matches Today by Betting Odds:
>/doog/ vs /mogu/ - 1:3.3>/pcg/ vs /pyon/ - 1:1.9>/vsinger/ vs /vsj+/ - 1:1.7Top 3 Matches Today by Profit Rate:
>/koopa/ vs /XtsunX/ - 63%>/fvr/ vs /nasfaqg/ - 57%>/vsinger/ vs /vsj+/ - 53%Top 5 Money Matches (All Days):
>Day 4, Match 3 :: /hlgg/ vs /hfz/ :: $1,376,815,000>Day 2, Match 2 :: /hfz/ vs /uuu/ :: $1,348,670,000>Day 4, Match 5 :: /chama/ vs /mogu/ :: $1,304,893,333>Day 5, Match 3 :: /warkop/ vs /vsj+/ :: $1,182,180,555>Day 6, Match 5 :: /hfz/ vs /ybc/ :: $1,168,777,019No changes.
Not only will there be VTL4's finale tomorrow, but also HFZ about 3 hours beforehand.
Bets for the Quarterfinals will be up shortly.
Bets for VTL4 Semifinals, 3rd Place Match, Finals, and the Final Boss will be up tomorrow during the match day.
The Financial Underwriters of Comprehensive Knowledge would like to remind you to stay informed, shitpost responsibly, and FUD accurately.
>>45400484Sena Bonbon, the headliner for FlaVR, the "corpo" that beat us today.